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Version: 1.5.0

Partnership Programs

Partnership program is a form of cooperation between the companies, in which the partner company promotes the products and services offered by the vendor company. Create partnership programs to catalog the terms that you offer to your partners.


Role required

OperationAccess level
  • crm_sales
  • crm_manager
  • crm_marketeer
  • crm_pam
  • crm_admin
  • admin
  • admin
  • crm_admin
  • crm_read_admin

Users of a particular sales direction can access corresponding partnership programs if they have one of the roles:
  • crm_sales
  • crm_manager
  • crm_marketeer
  • crm_pam

Other users can access the record if they are:
  • the responsible employee
  • the manager of the responsible employee
  • the delegate of the responsible employee
  • admin
  • crm_admin

Other users if they are:
  • the responsible employee
  • the manager of the responsible employee
  • the delegate of the responsible employee
  • crm_pam
  • crm_admin
  • admin

To create a partnership program, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to CRM → Partner Management → Partnership Programs.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Partnership program form fields

NameYSpecify the partnership program name.
Short nameNSpecify the partnership program short name.
Partnership typeNSelect the partnership type. Possible options:
  • System integrator
  • Distributor
  • Reseller
  • Service partner
  • Technology partner
  • Marketing partner
  • Referral partner
  • Original equipment manufacturer
  • Original equipment manufacturer
  • Strategic partner
ResponsibleYSpecify the employee responsible for the partnership program.
DescriptionNAdd a description of the program.
Sales directionYSpecify the sales direction to which the program belongs.
Services/ProductsNSelect the services or products of the specified sales direction that are promoted in the program.

The following related lists are available on the form:

  • Partner Levels — the list of levels included in the program.