Any substantial change to the asset form, such as a new state, location, or other, can only be made through a corresponding task. This enables you to maintain a transparent and flawless workflow during the whole life cycle of an asset in your company. Some tasks can be initiated by the system, for example, disposal tasks for the assets with an expired useful life or when the Not found checkbox remained on the asset form longer than permitted by the system property.
The ITAM role model contains various roles with access to specific forms and functionality corresponding to employees' job duties. Each article of this section provides information about the roles that users need to manage specific task types. The basic set of roles for the tasks includes:
- itam_agent – can view all tables and forms, but access is restricted according to the ACL.
- itam_process_manager and itam_operation_specialist – both roles can create, process, cancel, and complete tasks.
- itam_responsbile – can approve tasks.
To facilitate your search for the required documents, available assets, employees, stocks, and other data, most fields and widgets include preconfigured filters. For example, each task has a custom filter applied before adding assets. This ensures that the system prevents adding assets to a task if they do not match its type or lack the required attributes on their forms. In each article, you will find detailed information about the requirements for the assets added to the task. However, there are general conditions that apply to all assets:
- Asset records must be active; otherwise, you cannot add assets to a task. For example, assets from an empty consignment or assets decommissioned due to expired useful life.
- Assets cannot be added to more than one task simultaneously. For example, if an asset is already added to a maintenance task, you cannot create another task with the same asset.
- You cannot add an asset with the Not found checkbox selected to a task, except the decommissioning task.
Task states
The task states are changed using the UI actions available to the assigned users. The UI actions set for the task align with the task state models. Note that some tasks do not require mandatory approval state and can be completed without it.
If tasks are rejected, you can resend them for approval as many times as needed. Approval tickets for additional approvers are sent separately. If you reapprove tasks, you need to add them again.
Find detailed information about the ITAM tasks in the articles below:
📄️ Asset Registration
The asset registration is the first and mandatory step that every asset goes through in the system. From the moment of registration, all information about it is stored and tracked in the ITAM application. Asset records are stored in the system as part of the Asset Management Database (AMDB), which is used for the asset lifecycle management.
📄️ Asset Allocation
The asset allocation task allows you to allocate single assets and consignment consumptions to employees based on the company they work for, and the stock linked to it. So you can keep track of assets in different stocks of the entire group of companies. Within one task, it is possible to allocate assets stored in only one stock to a user. To allocate assets from different stocks, you need to create separate tasks.
📄️ Return to Stock
Within the return to stock task, you can return assets from use to the stock for further allocation to another user or decommissioning. Only the assets of one user can be added to the task, they must be in the In operation stage, In use state and refer to the same stock. When you add assets to the task, their stage changes to Transfer and their state changes to Unavailable. When the task is completed, the stage of the assets will change to Storage, the state to Available, and the value of the User field on the asset forms will be cleared.
📄️ Asset Maintenance
In case of a damage or malfunction, you can send the asset to be repaired. Only one asset can be sent for maintenance per task.
📄️ Asset Upgrading
The upgrade task is meant to improve the performance of a well-functioning asset by replacing some of its components with more modern and cost-effective ones. Note that only one asset can be sent for upgrading per task.
📄️ Asset Inventory
You can initiate an inventory task only for the assets that are in stock (the Storage stage) or allocated to users (the In operation stage).
📄️ Asset Relocation
Use this task to track relocation of the assets that are in use and that have the attribute Permanent location selected on their form. For example, it can be a printer. The predefined filters help users to easily manage the task.
📄️ Change of Responsible
Create a change of responsible task when the responsible for the assets employee is dismissed, promoted, or has job responsibilities changed. The task is also relevant for the cases when you move assets to a new stock.
📄️ Change of Stock
The Asset record contains the information about the stock where the assets are stored throughout the entire life cycle of the asset. You can change this information via the corresponding task.
📄️ Asset Decommissioning
Decommissioning tasks can be created in two ways – by a user or automatically by the system when the Not found checkbox is selected on the asset from, or when the asset useful life expires.
📄️ Asset Disposal
You can dispose all decommissioned assets that do not have the Not found checkbox selected. With SimpleOne you can execute disposal in two ways – internally by means of your company or by means of a disposal services company.
📄️ Asset Transfer
In addition to disposal, you can transfer any decommissioned assets that are not lost (the Not found checkbox on the asset form is cleared) for reuse. The SimpleOne ITAM application provides three types of asset transferring: return to supplier, sale, and donation.