Role Model
Each B2B CRM user should be assigned with a role that corresponds with their job responsibilities. Assigned roles give access to the application pages and allows you to interact with the records.
Role list
The "out-of-the-box" solution includes the following roles:
- crm_certificate_manager – the employee responsible for the creation of the certifications and emissions of the certificates.
- crm_marketeer – the employee responsible for the marketing campaigns and marketing lists management.
- crm_admin – the CRM system administrator.
- crm_read_admin –the CRM system administrator that can read all application records without creating, updating or deleting them.
- crm_sales – employee from the sales department responsible for the processing of leads and opportunities.
- crm_manager – the leader of the sales department that can process the leads, work with the opportunities and manage them.
- crm_pam – the account manager responsible for a partner company. The user with this role can read the opportunities of their sales direction and edit the opportunities, in which the Partner field is filled in with the company the user is Responsible for.
- crm_presale – pre-sale manager. The permissions of this role are identical to crm_pam.
- crm_partner_supervisor – a partner company employee managing all other employess in the company who are in contact with the vendor. This user is also the main contact for the vendor regarding all issues related to the partner company.
Detailed information about access levels is presented in the ACL article. Extended information on the CRM application roles is available in the article Role Structure. Apart from that, you can find notes about required access level in the articles of CRM documentation.
My Work in CRM
The application includes the My Work in CRM navigator category, where the employees can access the application tables with the pre-configured filters for their convenience depending on their role.
The users with the admin, crm_admin, and crm_read_admin roles can access all pages of the My Work in CRM category without the sales direction filters.
Pages of My Work in CRM category
- My Sales
- My Partners
- My Marketing
- Other
Page | Access level |
Leads, Opportunities | crm_sales, crm_manager, crm_pam:
Customer Companies | crm_sales, crm_manager, crm_pam, crm_marketeer:
Company Groups | crm_sales, crm_manager, crm_pam, crm_marketeer:
Page | Access level |
Partnership Applications, Partnership Agreements | crm_manager:
Partners | crm_manager, crm_pam:
Page | Access level |
Marketing Campaigns | crm_manager:
Marketing Messages, Content | crm_manager:
Page | Access level |
My Opportunity Board | crm_sales, crm_manager, crm_pam:
My Content Board | crm_manager:
My Task Board | crm_sales, crm_manager, crm_pam, crm_marketeer:
My Actions | crm_sales, crm_manager, crm_pam, crm_marketeer:
Actions Created by Me | crm_sales, crm_manager, crm_pam, crm_marketeer:
Content Tasks | crm_manager:
- Subordinates – the employees for whom the current user is specified as the Manager.
- Employee that delegated access – an employee that configured delegation of access right to the current user.
Main pages
There are several options for the main page available in the application. You can select them in the application Preferences. Each main page contains a dashboard configured for the convenience of an employee performing a specific job. The reports contain lists of records with the configured filters, as on the My Work in CRM category pages. The dashboard reports are currently only available in Russian. Possible main page options:
Main page | Role | Dashboard reports | Translation |
CRM sales specialist | crm_sales |
CRM manager | crm_manager |
CRM marketer | crm_marketeer |
CRM partner account manager | crm_pam, crm_presale |